January 10, 2017

Who’s Who

Vineyard Ottawa has a team approach to leadership. Instead of a top-down structure, we have what we lovingly refer to as the “Canada Geese” model. We are currently led by a roundtable, egalitarian team of 7 people who share the leadership at Vineyard Ottawa. They take turns coming to the front of the team to lead based on their gifting and/or what the Holy Spirit is doing in the moment. We believe this allows for more people to be cared for, for more gifts to be in operation, and for a well-rounded and balanced leadership structure.

Leadership Team:

Joy Covey

Alain Dagenais

Marion Dagenais

Richard Long

Terry Long

Janet Parker

Nick Parker


Lynne DeCock

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Facilities Management Team:
Team Lead: Nick Parker

Jeff Knowles
Jim Rennicks
Luc Maltais

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Church Treasurer:
Ron DeCock

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Worship Leaders:
Team Lead: Alain Dagenais
Jason and Yvonne Parks

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